Example Sentences Study Session
In this 'Example Sentences' study session you will be presented with 5 flashcards. The flashcards will be automatically selected the large library of example sentences.
For each flashcard either the Thai text is displayed, or the English text is displayed, or the Thai sentence is spoken. And a 'Show Answer' button is available at the bottom of the flashcard. Click the 'Show Answer' button to see the details about the flashcard. If you were able to correctly translate the sentence then click the green 'Correct' button to move onto the next flashcard. If you weren't sure how to translate then click the red 'Incorrect' button, which will still move onto the next flashcard but will show the flashcard again until you click the 'Correct' button.
The Example Sentences study session will keep cycling through any remaining flashcards until you've clicked 'Correct' for each one.
At the end of the study session the list of example sentences used in study session will be shown with links to access more details about each of the words.
Loopless Font
Traditional Thai script is displayed with loops, or heads. The traditional looped style script is what we usually first learn when studying Thai. However, many Thai publications, websites, menus, shop signs, etc. like to use a modern loopless style font, which can be hard to read if we've only been learning the traditional style. Hence the 'Loopless Font' panel is included along with the details of each flashcard to help with becoming familiar with this style of Thai script when going through the flashcard study sessions.